Being Frank…

Accepting my failings

Congratulations Vicki Kate !!!!



Vicki Kate is expecting an addition to her family…soon…very soon…in fact possibly sooner than originally expected….and following some plotting by Annabelle a number of us conspired to welcome this new bundle of Joy to the world

So congratulations Vicki Kate and family and wishing you every happiness as your family of 3 becomes a family of 4…

So what is it that snowy dog wants to send to you Vicki Kate ?  Well this time Tuesday it looked like this:


I sort of ran out of time… not because there was a suggestion that the happy event might be earlier than thought but more because when I tried to take photos last Saturday I decided it was too small, so I ripped out the last 2 rows and added another 2 stripes…at the outer edges there were so many stitches on the needle that each row was taking 15 minutes.

I cast off again Tuesday night and gave it a very quick wash. The reverse side currently looks like this:


But the right side, although still a work in progress looks like this:


Pattern:  OpArt

Yarn:  Sirdar Snuggly DK

Needles: 4mm

New/Learned: To leave more time for completion

Many Congratulations again Vicki Kate, wishing you every happiness as a family…

For those who want to see the other conspirators please check out

Thread Carefully

Dotty Doodle

Modern Vintage Cupcakes


Symon Sez


10 thoughts on “Congratulations Vicki Kate !!!!

  1. Surprised doesn’t even begin to cover it!! Oh my goodness, you’re wonderful, you’re all wonderful!!
    I’m so choked up at the moment, checking my emails after the usual morning routine and to find notification after notification!
    Thank you so much xxx

  2. Wow, what a fantastic blanket!! Great pattern, great colours, looks super snuggly for a baby. 🙂

  3. Wow, you finished in time and it looks amazing! What dedication you have. Thank you for helping to plan this baby shower!

  4. What a lovely blanket! It looks fab, well done.

  5. Wow, what an ambitious endeavour – it looks amazing!!! Lovely job!! 🙂

  6. Pingback: A Virtual Baby Shower | VickikateMakes

  7. Thank you so much! I just wanted to let you know it’s arrived safely and A is so pleased with his lego man (it’s a King, which is apparently awesome!). Thank you too for the other bits and pieces, you really didn’t need to do that, and I completely agree with what you said in your note. Thank you again!

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